Knock Forest runner
A hominid being known by the nickname 'Quickfoot' was the subject of this following report. A man named David Colman was driving down a lonely country lane in the Bathgate Hills area of West Lothian, in the company of his wife and three children, when he saw something almost unbelievable. What they saw looked human-like in appearence. So dark was the night that David and his family could not see any details apart from a very tall dark figure, silver-grey in colour, a figure in access of six and a half to seven feet tall. What was odd about the being was the speed in which it travelled. They saw it in Ravencraig Forest, known locally as Knock Forest. The witnesses describe the thing as running 70mph, a speed impossible for a human to run. So came the nickname Quickfoot.
Soon the speedy creature realised that it was being watched and it then proceeded to turn on the Coleman family, scowling and twisting its' face.
“It was well over six feet tall with a human-like face and appeared to have substantial bulk,” David would later say, “and it seemed angry that we had disturbed it. My wife said, ‘Did you see what I saw? It has taken me a long time to speak about this.”
The exact date of the sighting is unknown but David revealed that it had taken place in 1988.
So many questions from this can be asked. This forest was known as 'Knock Forest'. Is the reason for this name because people hear wood knocks, a commonly reported sign of a Bigfoot, from there? We may never know.
One thing is for sure - whatever the creature was, human or British Bigfoot, it could NOT have been running at a speed like 70mph. It may have been fast but it is likely that David overestimated the speed.